How do I identify Amazon charges?

How do I identify Amazon charges?

Q Because of the pandemic I signed up for Amazon Prime. My wife and I have found this really useful – perhaps too much so, given the amount we now seem to spend with the company! However, I do find the whole order-tracking thing a bit confusing. In particular, I sometimes find it hard or even impossible to tally things I order with the entries on my credit card statement. I’m aware that this is because items from a single order are often sent at different times but charged as one transaction – but that doesn’t make my accounting any easier! Do you know of any way of identifying which charged amounts relate to which specific order?

Derek Chambers

A We do! The trick here is to visit your Amazon Transactions page because this lists the amounts charged alongside the specific order numbers. From there, a click on the order number will list all the items that relate to the charge.

However, for all its undoubted greatness as an online retailer, aspects of Amazon’s website are a labyrinthine mess. This means that the existence of some features isn’t always obvious, and this is certainly one of them. So, first, click the ‘Account & Lists’ link, near the top right, followed by Your Account (see screenshot above). Next, click the ‘Your payments’ box. Finally, under the ‘Your payments’ heading, click the Transactions link – there you’ll find what you need.
